source: | 2000 Games, Devotions, Themes, Ideas and more for Youth Work
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Sitemap - Youth Work Practice
You can find: over 2500 games in over 80 categories, over 200 complete group programs, games, crafts and ideas for theme camps (indians, knights, stone-age, pirates, ...), 3000 questions and riddles for quiz evenings, over 120 short devotions, 80 skits, sketches, short plays or dramas, short stories (ghost and camp fire stories, crime riddles, stories for devotions) themes, ideas and material for youth worker trainings. You need over 1000 pieces of paper if you will print out all pages.
Game Collection
Devotions, Themes and Talks
Youth Worker Training and Know How
Info & Service & Contact
Blog (helpful themes) for Youth Workers
Child and Youth Education - Understanding, supporting and encouraging kids
Cooking for large groups- tips and recipes

Collection of Games
Program Ideas and Theme Camps
- 200 Program Ideas
Red Indian Camp
Pirate Party or Pirate Adventure Camp
Knights Camp and Craft Ideas
Stone Age Camp and Craft Ideas
Adventurer, Settler’s Camp
Indoor Games
- Get-acquainted Games
- Icebreaker Games
- Cooperation Games
- Circle Games
- Games of Trust
- Relaxation Games
- Brain Synapses Games
- Games and Contests For A Varied Program (Part 1)
- Games and Contests For A Varied Program (Part 2)
- Bet You Can't Games
- KIM Games
- Clothing Games
- Balloon Games
- Cotton Ball Games
- Table Tennis Ball Games 1
- Table Tennis Ball Games 2
- Potato / Apple Games
- Drink Coaster Games
- Bottle Games
- Plastic Bottle Games
- Cup Games
- Newspaper Games
- Clothespins Games
- Matches & Matchboxes
- Candles Games
- Indoor Team games
- Blankets And Cloths
- Tokens and Checkers
- Games with Corks
- Children’s Birthdays
- Halloween Party Ideas
- Party Games
- Writing – Drawing
- Rope Games
- Sweets & Marshmallows
- Straw games
- Baby games
- Easter games
- Christmas Party
- Language & Word Games
- Games without winners
- Feets, toes, legs
- Dice Games
- Patience Games
- Tooth pick games
- Games with wool
- Conker games
- Games with dustbin bags
- Shoe games
- Games with buttons
- Nail games
- Bottle Caps
- Domino Games – Domino-Day
- Table Tennis Table Games
- Spoon Games
- Games with socks
- Marble Games
- Measuring Tape Games
- Carnival Party Games
- New Year's Party
- Toilet Paper Games
- Games with Chairs
- Games with Tables
- Rubber band games
- Plastic Cup Games
- Toilet Brushes Games
- Soap Games
- Scarf Games
- Pencil Games
- Carpet Tile Games
- Games with paper clips
- Blind games
- Egg games
- Beverage Can Games
Outdoor Games
- Outdoor Activity Games
- Wood Games
- Night Time Activities
- City Games
- Station Games and Ideas for Play Streets (Page 1)
- Station Games and Ideas for Play Streets (Page 2)
- Relay Races
- Parachute Games
- Dirty and Wet
- 10x Scavenger hunt
- Snow Games
- Water Games | Pool Party
- Beach Games
- Bicycle & Scooter Rally
- Frisbee Games
- Catching Games
- Skateboard Games
- Boxes & Buckets & Cans
- Inner tubes
- Bicycle-Tube Games
- Awareness games
- Lawn Games
- Ball Games
- Ladder Games
- Broom Games
- Foam Block or Sponge Games
- Earth Ball Games
- Tennis Ball & Racket Games
- Drain pipe Games
- Gumboot Games - Rubber Boot Games
- Hockey Stick Games
- Straw Bales Games
- Bowl Games
- Carpet Rolls Games
- Summer Olympics
- Hoverboard Games
- Scooter Games
Creative Games
- Radio Salad Show
- Puking Kangaroo, Mixer & Co.
- Sketches
- Improvisations: Short Drama Scenes
- Shadow games
- Pantomime
- A drama in 3 acts
- Play for parent’s evening
Other Ideas and Material
- Ghost Stories
- Camp Fire Stories
- Group Division Games
- Bus Journey Games
- Card Games
- Build a sweat lodge
- Over 320 Easy Craft Ideas for Kids (Including Christmas Crafts and Decorations)
Complete Program Ideas for Youth Group Meetings
- Overview: Complete Program Ideas for Youth Group Meetings
- Chocolate and Biscuits
- Cocktail Party
- Fish and Fisherman’s Party
- Hawaii beach party
- Indoor Football Games
- 10x Scavenger hunt
- The Red Indian (sports hall) game
- Gym exercises with a rope
- Toilet Rally Games
- The 4 element Olympics
- Break in
- High point: A crazy evening
- Bird flu ahoy
- Art thieves in Art City
- Trailer trash evening
- Such a drama
- Persecution of Christians
- Casino evening
- Agent 00X
- Golden Eye
- The big Mafia family meeting
- The vagabond evening
- The world trip through the woods
- Roman games
- Colonising the Wild West
- Baghdad Mufti Camel Rally
- The murder game
- Pirate game
- Sporty evening
- Show-off games
- Battle of the Gideon
- Night time game
- Nomad game
- Outdoor Children’s birthday party
- Royal night time game
- The Hulaboing - Expedition
- Two suitcases full of bibles
- Star Trek terrain game
- Detection
- The plague animomasti
- The settlers
- Biblical adventure game
- Pirate game
- The Greeks and the Temple of Athen
- Asterix and Obelix
- Safari Games
- Chestnuts – an outdoor terrain game
- A new year begins…
- Hard nuts – an evening with nuts
- Gladiator games
- Discharge papers
- World trip
- The lively board game
- Getting to know you games
- Ideas for valentines day
- Feelings and Emotions
- Banana Joe | An evening with bananas
- The ultimate winter beach party
- Bible quiz
- Iron Man
- Indoor house game
- Jeopardy
- “Youth Research”
- Christian pursuit in old Rome
- Ministrants-Outburst
- Bingo-Quiz
- Grand prix
- The large black book
- Harry Potter Day
- Terrain game – cathedral building
- Terrain game: The wild wood
- Gruesome game and detective game
- Action-Memory
- Large group game – The Connecting Game
- FANTASY GAME: Christmas is cancelled!
- The difficult land purchase
- The train game: „On the old railroad“
- The Final Countdown
- The Final Countdown (Variation)
- Time travel
- The opening gala for the football World Cup
- Detective games for a children’s birthday party
- Treasure hunt for a children’s birthday party
- The big race | Bike rally
- Island in the Sun
- Bridge Game
- Game of life
- Election Day
- The skirmish in 2 PACt Land
- 2nd Life
- Easter egg hunt and quiz game
- Parachute Cloth Olympics
- Vivaldis Four Seasons
- Christmas Bakery
- Baking and Cooking
- Camp Tower
- Strategy
- Ice Breaker Show
- Typical woman - Typical man
- Pizza Show
- Clever running game
- Treasure Hunt
- The Name of the Rose
- Mister X
- Hut Construction
- Multi Media Rally
- Carnival party
- Themed day: fairytales
- The Secret Castle Dungeon
- Murder in Bostrak
- Survival Day
- Agent game
- Asterix and the Romans
- The Treasure of Captain Jack Sparrow
- Bremen Town Musicians
- Ludo
- Welcome to Smurf Village
- Will he do it, or won't he?
- The War of Colours
- Where is Professor Clueless?
- The Lantern Procession - an outdoor night game
- The Labyrinth of Doom
- The Olympic Socks Game
- The Trash Evening
- James Bond & I
- Winter-Beach party
- Super-agent training evening
- Games all about the apple
- On the Farm
- The Italian Evening
- To Blox-Mountain with Witch Lilofee
- Harvest rally
- Macho-‘Carnival’ games
- Nicholas has a problem
- Rosette Picture (Subject- Collage)
- Battle of the sexes
- Tchoukball
- Kubb
- Connect 4
- Group-ludo-game
- Shuffleboard
- “60 small Friendship makers”
- A day in “Villa Villekulla “
- ‘Top model’ search
- Discovery in the forest
- Outdoor Adventure games - Samurai camp
- Hollywood-Evening
- Godfathers and Mafiosi unite
- The Great Pirate Ship Battles
- Hunting Ducks - Duck hunting
- Harry Potter Sport Games
- Stratego memory
- Youth Fire Brigade Gaming Night
- Halloween Game Night
- Skiing games without snow
- My partner can
- Youth group water games on dry land
- In- or outdoor games: 50 Missions
- Extreme Activity
- Phase 10th Games
- Water games based on the "Game of World Records."
- Beach Party without a beach
- Water games at the camp
- Medieval Day in the camp
- Monopoly EXTREME Game
- Haribo evening - games around Haribo
- Bomberman game
For every time snippet, which time has already passed you receive 1 point. – The bomb has already destroyed everything. For each time snippet which time has yet to come you receive 3 points, this counts for having secured the bomb.
- Alien Invasion in the Solar System
- WEREWOLF - A enduring game for 10-50 people
- Rugby interception
Guessing Games, Quizzes, Riddles
- Brain And Quiz Games
- 3000 Questions and Answers
- Short crime puzzles for young detectives [5 pages]
- Tree Leaves
- Trees
- Animal Tracks
- Knots
- Scouting Signs
- Unusual Photographs [5 pages]
- Find Differences [3 pages]
- Match Mystery [3 pages]
- Optical Illusions
- Mathematical Mystery
- Flags And Banners
- Animals
- Dog Breeds
- Picture Puzzles [3 pages]
- Chocolate Assign
- Famous Works Of Art
- Who is who?
Devotions, Themes and Talks
About Love, Friendship and Trust
- 1000 friends and friendship
- Parachute jump
- Crossroads
- You are You
- The bent pipe
- The hummingbird and the stork
- He thinks – she thinks
- True love
- Roses
- Trust in God
It's All About You From Decisions, Paths, and Goals
- Why do you come to...?
- The boys of Johannesburg
- Mammon
- Nothing but decisions in life
- Can’t be bothered
- Too Fast...
- On the run
- Hide your sin!
- I am certainly not stupid...
- Spirit of the Lord
- No time? Too late for God?
- Free cities
- The large wall
- Modern idols
- Fasting time is a path
- Straight through the heart!
- In the race with God
- Zechariah (no) someone like you?
- We don’t have the time
So That Everyone Gets It From Parables To Comparison
- Accept the (money) gift?
- Wind effects
- The football shirt
- The (mouse)-trap
- The light switch
- Deposit bottles
- An apple is an apple - or not?
- A hard nut?
- A (burned out) light bulb!
- Such a donkey!
- Compass
- Burning fire
- Team captain
- The Geiger counter
- Sparklers
- Light of the world
- Wedding banquet
- Torch
- The magnet
- Fingerprints - you are unique
- Telefon connection
- Carnival masks – cool!
- Doors
- Bridges
- Telephone hotline
- The only truth
- Stocks and bonds
- Built on sand - or – a cloud castle builder
- Clay is not just dirt
- The labyrinth of life
- The dough devotion
- Such rubbish…
- Clocks: the hands of a clock
- Collecting stamps
- No one washes whiter....
- The parable of the lost coin
- The daily glance in the mirror
- The parable of the mustard seed
- Parable of the sower
- Salt of the earth
- The parable of the hidden treasure
- Christianity in everyday life
- The carpet of your life!
Success The Big and Small Problems
- Hung out to dry
- Competition – race
- Beliefs and works
- Turbo drive for life
- Rhetorical artist
- The 5 columns of belief
- Be true to God
- Your faith may not fail
- Tears
- Shipwreck of belief
- Apathetic? Take your time!
- Succession has consequences
- Not in our hands
- Slander – gossip – idle tittle-tattle
- The hungry fox
- Which path leads to God?
- What makes you hot?
- How will I be cleansed?
- The Good Samaritan
- Standing your ground
- Running away from God
- Is weakness permitted?
- Seek peace and pursue it!
Get the Momentum Going Short Thought-provoking Topics
- Feelings
- Annual slogans
- Blessings
- Help, a virus!
- Titanic
- Be strong to lift up heavy weights
- Our beauty ideals
- Truth
- Courage!
- Our lives – a pile of fragments?
- Hannemann, you go first
- I cannot recognise a God!
- Jesus can sort a (your) life out
- „The duel“
- Conquering fear
- Bullying
Children's and Adolescent Christmas Church Service
Themes, Topics, Miscellaneous and Stories, ...
- Theme Fear
- Easter - Resurrection
- Holding – carrying – trust
- Youths and suicide: a short story as an example
- Have you thought about it before? Suicide!
- Bottle children
- Bible work: Peter on the water
- Nicky Cruz
- Short stories for children and teens
Introductory Skits, Comprehensive Bible Studies, Devotional Series, Methods and Tips
- On the path with Jesus
- Bible work methods
- Devotions - yes.... but how to prepare?
- 100 tips for staff
- Nothing happens…
- Born again on the cemetery
Youth Worker Training and Know How
Youth Work
- About Youth Work and these pages
- Characteristics of youth work and working with youths
- Christian Youth Work
- Types of Youth and Group Work
The Youth Leader
- Youth leader – Group leader
- Authority: How do I become authoritative? How I lose my authority?
- Empowerment as a youth leader
- Youth Pastor and pastoral work
- Youth leader: Challenged - overwhelmed – challenging
- Different Leadership Styles - Test your Leadership Style
- Qualities and Characteristics of a Youth Leader
- FIT for kids = Friendship, Inspiration and Training
- Tips for committed integrated youth work
- Analysis: Feedback questions for staff members
The Youth Group and the Program
- Youth groups and Group pedagogic
- Group pedagogic and the different age levels
- Distribution of roles: Boys and Girls roles within the group
- Conflicts and Rules
- Group processes and different phases of a group
Game Pedagogy and Know How
- Games and method competence
- Game Pedagogy
- Games seminar – workshop: Learning to play.
- Planning Group Gathering
- Cooperative Adventure Games
- Standard contents for a general games case
Planning camps and activities
- Planning and Organisation of events or camps
- Pack list: Suggestion for a hike or camp
- First Aid respectively what belongs into a camping First Aid Kit
- Boys and Girls: Mixed sleeping arrangements on youth camps
- Myself and the (woeful) subject – alcohol
- Cigarettes: Smoking on camp and how we deal with this.
- Homesickness
- Night time quiet
- Camp raid on the camp site
- Night time walks & co
Other Themes
- Motivation and how to motivate others
- Rhetoric – the born talker?
- Devotions - yes.... but how to prepare?
- 100 tips for staff
- Experience pedagogic
- Youth Work: publicity work and advertisement
Child and Youth Education - Understanding, supporting and encouraging kids
- Binge drinking
- Aggressive behaviour in children and adolescents
- Bullying in children and adolescents
- Cutting respectively self-harming
- Drug Prevention
- Puberty
- Fear/anxiety disorders in children and adolescents
- Overprotected children and its consequences
- Boys in danger - the mental suffering of boys
- Discouraged children - The (lack of) courage to change
- Hyperactivity in children and adolescents
- Drug abuse
- Pampering and its consequences
- Encouragement of children
- Children and adolescents of mentally ill parents in the youth group
- Children should not be too obedient
- Dispute between children or teenagers
- Excessive media use
- Cyberbullying
- Children of Divorce
- Highly Gifted children and their problems
- Violent children and adolescents
- Adolescence and the mental developmental requirements of young people
- Changes during the stages of adolescence: physically psychologically and socially
- Anxious children within the youth group
- Emotional Intelligence
- Empathy/Sensitivity
- Refusing schooling (Truancy)
- Penalties for Children: the powerlessness of adults?
- Social phobia - Help, my child is shy
- Caught in resignation
- Mental health problems in children and adolescents - A series of related articles
- Dares - Test of Courage
- Wrestling, scuffle & fighting
- Playing – A preparation for life
- Dangerous self-assertion - narcissism in children
Blog (helpful themes) for Youth Workers
- A six years old boy suspended from school for a hand kiss
- Lord of the Flies
- Children and porn competence
- Giving positive feedback
- The (self) condemnation by "SHOULD"
- Facebook and Co.: Children/Teens and the social networks
- Dead Poets Society
- Youth in the search of identity
- Development of cognitive abilities during adolescence
- Moral: What is it? How do we develop morality?
- Young people and the right-wing extremism
- Cool guys – not really that cool
- My image of men and the equity: What does this mean?
- “While playing you can learn more about a man in one hour, then talking to him for a year.”
- Strange relationships and behaviours
- "Crazy? So what! "- Help for students with mental health problems
- Teaching self-esteem and self-confidence
- Stress and its consequences for children and teens
- Mental and psychological violence
- Jealousy among staff
- Sexting can make you famous - awareness campaign
- Sex-education lessons
- In a Better World
Not a real blog, but similar...
some collected themes, thoughts and ideas for your program and work with childrens
- Winter recreation or ski school camp
- Snow camp with fire tent
- Crafting for Christmas
- Cyber bullying: When the network becomes a trap
- A game reveals the character - a figure of speech
- Be Confident
- Fear of humiliation, making a mistake and failing
- Today's youth
- Gaming program for January: Board games
- Youth football: A hotbed of violence?
- Tournaments (TT tournament, pool tournament, table football) - group program for January
- Laser Tag: a controversial pastime activity
- Karting
- Group program for February: Games with cotton
- Group program in February: indoor pool visit
- Albert Einstein - Humiliation and the disastrous consequences
- Racetracks - Carrera race
- Sledding - what to consider?
- Tipp-Kick - the all-time classic of all table soccer games
- Indoor Hockey
- Quiz night - exciting and varied
- Tinkering in the group meeting - Shadow Heads
- Making carnival and plaster masks
- Rabomberless and Shuffleboard
- There are five Gospels
- Education is the organized defence of adults against youth.
- Outdoor games (3-Sticks / Capture the Flag)
- Scavenger hunt - what do you need to consider
- Biking tours and rallies with the youth group
- YouNow: A harmless hype or dangerous trend
- High Ropes Course
- Program Tip May: On the subject of bottles
- Craft idea: 3 play games for cooperation games
- Beer crate games
- Plastic sheets for a water slide
- Addictive online consumption and social exclusion
- Volunteering – Developing Personality & Skills!
- Swimming with the youth group
- Beach games
- Water Fight with Kids
- Mud fight
- Skateboard Contest & Games
- Violence Prevention
- Dispute Resolution
- A culture of trust within the youth group
- Youth and Politics
- Frisbee Olympics - Games with a frisbee
- Let childhood mature within the child!
- Club excursions: on the way in a dinghy (inflatable boat)
- Summer holiday program: canoeing trip with children and adolescents
- The Bowl Rally
- No Smartphones for Kids?
- Drawing skills - or Pictionary hard-core
- Indulgence - the worst form of child negligence
- Every wish fulfilled – children made unhappy
- Torchlight walks with homemade torches
- Children and young people still read books
- Strengthening Confidence
- Measuring strength - show perseverance and toughness
- Puff games, because I am not out of breath
- How cents can turn into a million! Daimler ProCent
- Making a knife block
- Craft ideas for Christmas
- Youth Sexuality 2015
- The manipulation development
- Relationship skills
- Presents for the wall
- The youth worker card – Working with Children Check
- The Peas Railway
- Game Station Rope ladder
- Cloth Caterpillar Race
- Program proposal: Toilet paper gaming night
- Candle Games
- Lifekinetik® - interesting for the students, sports and youth work
- Cloth pin game night
- Table Tennis Ball - Game Night
- Parents in tutoring craze? Children should also learn to fail
- Games with blankets
- Program Suggestion: Spring Festival – Fair
- The influence of YouTube stars to children and adolescents
- Lawn Relay Racing Games
- Ball Games: Catching - Running - Dodging – Passing on to - Playing along
- Antidepressants: In children and adolescents, they show little effect
- Training under you belt – 10 tips to get you started
- Dangerous games with knifes, axes and archery
- Stand-Up Paddling (SUP)
- Rope Jumping - not always a breeze
- Crafting a kite
- Young people do not believe in a fair education system
- One in 12 boys is a computer addict
- Body and Soul are interacting
- Camping in the Snow
- Riding the sledge at night
- Enjoying your leisure time with a self crafted hammock
- Night games - Night-time games
- Games in the Snow
- Expanding the youth group room and making it your own
- Table Tennis Tournament
- Strict upbringing produces school failures
- Violence against children: One in four children is abused
- Lack of exercise: children and adolescents are overweight!
- Sleeping in the straw for one night
- Cleaning your teeth and keeping yourself clean when hiking
- Can smartphones make our children sick?
- Staying out in the sticks
- Dunny perch
- Study: Younger and younger people watch hardcore-porn
- Youth is like a cider. It cannot hold. It has to ferment and overflow.
- Encourage motivation and curiosity
- Puzzle games
- ... and if the student has not gone at least half of his way alone, he has learned nothing.
- Skits for the camp
- Games and ideas for playing at the creek
- Setting up camp in the forest with a subsequent forest game
- A knight’s camp
- Ham beating - a game from the last century
- Gallows cones - Russian Cones or "Swing bowling"
- Croquet
- Pushball Games
- Head or Tail | Black or white
- When it comes to fitness, kids are just as good as top athletes
- Jugger - a new trending sport
- Psychotropic drugs: are children being made sick?
- Gaming night with children from 5-15 years
- Lawnmower parents
- Great games for a gaming night
- Crafting with melting granules
- Christmas thoughts
- Chess - more than just a game
- School enrollment age and ADHD - is there a connection?
- Stunt kite contest
- Darts - a game for everyone
- Airfield hockey table
- Foosball table
- The loneliness of the solo gamer
- Craft ideas made from felt for Easter
- Online games - experts warn of addiction risk for children
- Teenies in social media - influence of Instagram and Co. on teeny's self-image - effects on the psyche?
- Zorbing
- Help, my child does not get out of bed!
- Team player skills & team development
- Sleeping bags for vacation camps, cycling, or hiking tours
- Promoting and strengthening team spirit with tournaments and sporting events
- Small games around the swing
- Playing Indiaca
- Finger puppets as Easter decorations
- Building a Puff-Puff Boat
- Online group lesson - Youth Work in times of Corona
- Corona Online Youth Work session
- Living room game ideas
- Living room games 2
- Making fire with unusual things
- The pandemic and its consequences for children and adolescents
- Games with distance
- Drug addiction: Nothing is addictive by itself
- Are preppers role models?
- Game station: milking the cow
Cooking for large groups- tips and recipes
- Cooking for large Groups
- Breakfast
- Lunch
- Dinner
- Dessert & Salads
- Grilling & Campfire
- Christmas Baking
- Buffet Suggestions
- Cocktails
Cooking at the camp
- Introduction Cooking at the camp
- What is needed?
- The cooking dream team
- Calculations: menus, quantities, budgeting
- Calculation tool
- Healthy eating
- Spices
- Fruit, vegetables, natural foods
- Fishing
- Storage & Hygiene
- Planning and Shopping
- Accounting
- Motivational Tips
- Sitemap Recipes
Info & Service & Contact
- Imprint & Disclaimer & Contact
- Submit your Games and Ideas
- You are a Webmaster?
- Youthwork Links | Interesting Links for Youth Workers
[ © | 2000 Games and Ideas for Youth Work ]