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Stone Age camp

It doesn’t matter if it is a Stone Age camp, Red Indian camp, knight camp or pirate feast: themed camps and themed days offer the special opportunity to encourage fantasy and creativity and allow experiences, whether it is a group experience or playful experiences and the trying out of a new role.
Responsible behaviour and accepting responsibility, solving problems creatively together, as well as dealing with a subject, experiencing and trying out life in and with nature, can all be valuable and important experiences for life.

Theme camps such as Stone Age and Indian camps is pure nature – survival training till you drop! However we do not want it to go so far. Before we starve because we cannot cook anything or before we freeze because we cannot start a fire, before we run around naked because we cannot pull the fur from a bear, we prefer to fall back on trusted things and bring a few safety tricks to the camp.
Despite this: experience a night with your group in a hut or in a cave wrapped up in fur, start a fire and keep it going or prepare bread from the bare ingredients.
In a theme camp, lots of different aspects can be built in and realised. Obviously such a camp does require quite a bit of preparation. The ideas must not be authentic. Some are not even true to original in the slightest. If you really want to keep to the original should refer to specialists and museums that are prepared to give you tips, instructions and assistance. Not everything works perfectly but the experience is there. In comparison to a camp without a specific theme, the camp is remembered for much longer by the members who take part.
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