Youth Work Practice
Huge amount of Youth Work Resources, Games, Crafts and Ideas for Youth Workers

Game Collection: 2000 Games and Ideas for Youth Groups and Camps

Program ideas for group meetings, quizzes and riddles, circle and icebreaker games, water and snow games, sketches, pantomime, children's birthday and party games, station plays, scavenger hunt, diverse evening programs, outdoor games, games, crafts and ideas for an indian-, knight-, stone-age or pirate camp etc.
Complete Group Programs for Youth Group Meetings and Camps

Complete and well-crafted group programs that mostly revolve around a certain theme. If you can adapt the program concepts to your requirements, or can even expand on them, then the next program ideas for your yearly program or camp program will be achievable.
Craft Ideas for childrens - simple - fast - uncomplicated –

Christmas Craft Ideas, Crafts for Adventure Camps (knights, pirates, …), or make your own games, paper crafts, crafts for eastern, table decoration and many more.
Quiz, Puzzles, Questions and Riddles for preparing your group meeting

3000 questions and answers, 200 riddles, short crime puzzles or riddles for young detectives, picture and match mysteries, flags and banners - to use for yourself, or for preparing a station play on the camp or for the next group meeting.
Devotions, Themes and Talks with Childrens and Teenagers

included topics: friends, friendship, devotions with objects (magnet, geiger counter, fire, flashlight, sparklers etc.), confidence, debt, short plays for church events, themes: Youths and suicide, alcohol, fears etc.
Youth Leader Training - Themes and Know How for Youth Workers

Youth work: what's that? Styles of leadership, group pedagogics, group processes, game pedagogics, how to plan a youth group meeting or holiday camp, homesickness, motivation, conflicts, rules and roles in your youth group, etc.
Child and Youth Education: Understanding, supporting and encouraging kids

Issues & themes around the problems of children and adolescents. Articles about child and youth education, as well as messages, notes on concerns and difficulties relating to socio-educational subjects. E.g.: binge drinking, puberty, discouraged children’s, cyberbullying, empathy/sensitivity, refusing school, pampering, hyperactivity etc.
Youth worker tips & notes

Findings from the internet, books, film tips, advice – in a nutshell – thoughts and ideas to initiate discussions. This is not intended to be a daily blog, only a place where you can share your thoughts and experiences; issues I came across over the years.
Cooking for large groups - Recipes and tips for cooking at the camp

For those who have to cook for large camping groups you find here a recipes collection, tips for calculating how much to cook for a crowd, tips for leisure or the camp kitchen. Quick and easy recipes to suit every taste. What needs to be planned and prepared? What quantities are required?
Everything a Youth Worker needs for Youth Work
...if not - then submit your games and ideas to this web site
[ © | 2000 Games and Ideas for Youth Work ]