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Cooking for large groups - Recipes & tips for cooking at the camp
For those who have to cook for large camping groups you find here a recipes collection, tips for calculating how much to cook for a crowd, tips for leisure or the camp kitchen. Quick and easy recipes to suit every taste. What needs to be planned and prepared? What quantities are required?
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Youth worker tips & notes concerning youth work
Here I would like to cover findings from the internet, books, film tips, advice – in a nutshell – thoughts and ideas to initiate discussions. This is not intended to be a daily blog, only a place where you can share your thoughts and experiences; issues I came across over the years.
A six years old boy suspended from school for a hand kiss
A 6-year-old boy, attending grade 1, gave his girlfriend a kiss and was subsequently suspended from school for one day. The teacher condemned his actions, classified them as sexual harassment and imposed this disciplinary measure of a one-day expulsion. As if that was not enough, he also received an entry of a “serious offence” (sexual harassment) into his school record. This labelling will follow him through his entire school life (and probably longer) – one can only wonder what that does to a young boy.
Lord of the Flies
The movie, Lord of the Flies, is ideal to watch with a youth group with the aim of a group discussion afterwards. This film is well presented, psychologically as well as metaphorically, and can be seen as the systemic cause of violence and the willingness to be violent.
Children and porn competence
Porn competence means to understand what is actually happening on the screen. Nowadays, there is often no prior information only a follow-up of the already seen. Most children have seen sexual intercourse way before talking with their parents first. Therefore, it is important, to make them understand what’s happening there.
Giving positive feedback
"If you want to change someone, change yourself!" For youth workers this means we need to learn giving kind and positive feedback. Many of us are conditioned to react in the same way we were brought up: with criticism and punishment. However, it is not easy to change our behaviour. If you succeed though, it will help the young person immensely to understand that he is taken seriously, that your intent is to help and ultimately, it also will help ourselves.
The (self) condemnation by "SHOULD"
The word “should” comprises an accusation; against oneself or towards someone else. In any case, this leads to condemnation of others or self. It makes you feel guilty because you have committed an (assumed) error. This religious attitude of guilt and self-condemnation is symptomatic of us people. To condemn oneself or giving others the powers to condemn you only leads to a feeling of eternal guilt. The person cannot freely open up. Therefore, he will feel small and incapable.
Facebook and Co.: Children/Teens and the social networks
Hardly any other achievement of modern technology has changed the lives of children and adolescents like the Internet. It is social networks such as Facebook which determine the lives of many young people almost entirely.
Dead Poets Society
The film "Dead Poets Society" provides an excellent source within the youth group for discussion on the issue “how do you want to live”?
Youth in the search of identity
During puberty, young people are looking for their own identity. This refers to a phase in life, where the child transitions into adulthood. The academic terminology “adolescence” covers the entire period from late childhood right through to young adults. Puberty by itself, however, is a transitional phase and commonly refers to the sexual development of the young person.
Development of cognitive abilities during adolescence
Unlike most animals, humans have so-called cognitive abilities. Those abilities refer to the thinking process, but also to other factors in this context. For example, the ability to learn from previous mistakes, avoid them in the future and eliminate existing ones. Not at last to aim attention to a desired outcome. The ability to remember/recall is crucial in the development of cognitive abilities. Although these cognitive abilities are innate, and its development begins in the early childhood, however, during the stage of adolescence they imprint - especially during puberty. From here they further evolve.
Moral: What is it? How do we develop morality?
Morality and morals are defined within a community and do not apply to all people equally. In addition, in the formation of morality many different factors come to play within the community. These include personal factors such as self-imposed standards and motives, from the immediate and/or wider background. For example the family, church, employment, etc.
Young people and the right-wing extremism
More often than favourable the media is filled with images of young people who have joined right-wing extremist groups and adopted their dubious ideas. Ideas is more commonly used than ideals. The corresponding depiction is almost always the same: clothing, body language and slogans to create a threatening impression. Members of such groups deliberately set themselves apart from the social norm.
Cool guys – not really that cool
If you could see inside those young men, you would recognize the inner despair many of those super-cool guys inhabit. With this exhibited, cool exterior those guys try to appear invulnerable, even unapproachable.
My image of men and the equity: What does this mean?
My image of men and the way I sense equity stands in the way to understand the child. It also prevents me from creating emotional and mental access to this person.
“While playing you can learn more about a man in one hour, then talking to him for a year.”
Plato's thought regarding play: Who ever watched a playing child, is able to make some interesting observations regarding behaviours and character traits. At a game night, you get to know your kids better than in any conversation.
Strange relationships and behaviours
Relationships create understanding - understanding creates relationships. An idea that we should take to heart to understand strange behaviours and unusual relationships.
"Crazy? So what! "- Help for students with mental health problems
The project "Crazy? So what! "- Offers help for students with mental health problems. Their staff also visit schools with the purpose to educate and sensitize.
Teaching self-esteem and self-confidence
During the early childhood, the self-esteem of a person has been decisively shaped and influenced by the closest caregivers - the parents. However, experiences during school, in youth groups, playing with peers, still play a significant role in the development of the young person. These experiences again affect the self-esteem positively as well as negatively.
Stress and its consequences for children and teens
Youth - and group work offers the potential to counterweight stress. Preferable, in those groups, stress does not even become an issue but is replaced by fun and joy. If you engage in enjoyable activities, the existing stress will not impact the person as hard. How does that play together?
Mental and psychological violence
In this section, I will introduce different forms of shaming, ridiculing and humiliation. They are all indicators of mental and psychological violence. The long-term damage to the child is enormous and can reverberate far into adulthood.
Jealousy among staff
The backdrop for jealousy is often a lack of self-confidence or self-esteem. Excessive jealousy among employees only leads to neglect. Children, youth and recreational work become secondary while the importance of one’s ego takes over the show.
Sexting can make you famous - awareness campaign
Sexting is defined as the sending of self-generated intimate photos or videos of oneself via smartphone or Internet. These images, however, are just intended for the "receiver". The mutual sending of nude pictures is initially seen as a proof of trust, loyalty and love, yet, after the relationship ends it can quickly become a nightmare when those once personal images become the property of a third party.
Sex-education lessons
Sex education is still a very controversial issue in our society. Parents, teachers, churches and the media often have completely contradictory opinions about when and to what extent children are to be introduced to the subject of sexuality for the first time. Strangely: Children are much less concerned than adults and deal more natural with this issue.
In a Better World
The Oscar-winning Danish film "In a Better World" by director Susanne Bier may be considered an absolutely exceptional drama. In these 113 minutes of the movie, she treats current issues such as bullying, violence, friendship, but also revenge, embedded in a realistically told story that actually could be happening.
Not a real blog, but similar...
some collected themes, thoughts and ideas for your program and work with childrens
Winter recreation or ski school camp
When going for a ski holiday, no one likes to sit in the cottage next to the fireplace all day long. Besides downhill skiing, cross country tours you can implement some great sporting contests.
Snow camp with fire tent
It sounds a little odd, even worrying for parents when planning a snow camp with the youth group in freezing cold weather.
Crafting for Christmas
The time leading up to Christmas might be well spent, crafting some appropriate decorations or Christmas presents for the parents.
Cyber bullying: When the network becomes a trap
Principally, cyber bullying is the same like the “classic” bullying, only with a new dimension, given by the modern communication technology. It is this new technology, which makes this Cyber bullying so dangerous.
A game reveals the character - a figure of speech
Everyone knows that playing is very important. It is here where we learn to deal with each other; learning skills that are useful later on in life. Skills, which give us a certain perspective on life. Your attitude, your character, both will be crucial as you go through your life. After all, what can be learned while playing, you learn for life. At the same time, while playing, the child displays what it has already learned. – In positive and the negative character traits.
Be Confident
What does it mean to be assertive? How can a person gain self-assurance, how can we convey assertiveness to children and adolescents?
Fear of humiliation, making a mistake and failing
Fear of humiliation: of being judged because I have a different opinion because I'm doing something different, because I would like to make a different decision.
Today's youth
Today's youth loves luxury, has bad manners and no respect for authority. They contradict their parents, cross legs and tyrannize their teachers.
Gaming program for January: Board games
In the cold, rainy season, a gaming night at the youth group makes for a great group evening, or as a recreational program (school camp, summer camps, or holiday program). There are some board games, which are ideal for a youth group.
Youth football: A hotbed of violence?
Violence is not only involved in football, but other sports as well. Even outside the sporting event, triggered by overambitious parents who "fight" for their kids. The problem and the bad role model is sitting on the bench....
Tournaments (TT tournament, pool tournament, table football) - group program for January
Many youth groups have Ping pong tables, a table football or maybe a pool table available from their centre. Corresponding tournaments can be organized 1-2x a year.
Laser Tag: a controversial pastime activity
Slowly but surely, the leisure Laser Tag game, which initially was developed for the US Armed Forces enjoys growing popularity. For educators and youth advocates, however, this leisure activity is highly controversial.
Go-Karting is thrilling, has a high fun factor and promotes, as mentioned above self-confidence, consideration and fair play.
Group program for February: Games with cotton
For February, I planned a game night in the group room with cotton. All you need to get are 1-3 cotton bags, which are available in every supermarket in the drugstore department.
Group program in February: indoor pool visit
In the summer we go to the outdoor pool, the nearby lake or river, in winter, however, we visit the (spa) indoor swimming pool or water park.
Albert Einstein - Humiliation and the disastrous consequences
If you need to humiliate a child to satisfy your own needs, youth work is not for you. Walk away before you do any (more) damage.
Racetracks - Carrera race
A Carrera race is an excellent social event for the colder season.
Sledding - what to consider?
Sledding is considered a harmless, recreational fun, which can be done by almost everyone during winter. After all, all that is needed is a sled, warm clothing and, of course, a hill to fully enjoy this snowy fun.
Tipp-Kick - the all-time classic of all table soccer games
The Tipp-Kick tournament provides fun and you can implement it spontaneously to substitute for another group program. The Tipp-Kick requires calm and concentration, good judgment, skill and dexterity, as well as a little feeling in your technique.
Indoor Hockey
With a set of hockey sticks for the hall or the small play field, a suitable group room can easily serve for an indoor hockey game.
Quiz night - exciting and varied
Usually, knowledge questions are not so popular with the kids because they remind too much of school. Nevertheless, quizzes can be designed fascinatingly and funny.
Tinkering in the group meeting - Shadow Heads
A beautiful craft idea for kids is Shadows Heads. The preparation is quite simple and can be achieved during a children's or youth group meeting.
Making carnival and plaster masks
Tinkering ideas for Carnival, or group meetings Making plaster masks is simple and easy to do in one group meeting or as part of a program at the holiday camp.
Rabomberless and Shuffleboard
What do Rabomberless and Shuffleboard have in common? Both games can be played with playing pieces. Rabomberless goes without much effort. You need only one or two long tables, and some playing pieces.
There are five Gospels
“There are five Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and the life of Christians. Many people never read the first four.”
Education is the organized defence of adults against youth.
Education may also mean: to watch and rejoice. Permanent intervention, regulations and disapproving of the child creates only fear and prevents the development of independence. The ideal environment for the young person would be an advisory position and only then to intervene, if the situation has the potential to harm the child or someone in the community. Our own experiences are the best experiences.
Outdoor games (3-Sticks / Capture the Flag)
In April, when the season is getting warmer again, it’s a good time to start with some outdoor games. The classic games are 3-Sticks and Capture the Flag.
Scavenger hunt - what do you need to consider
The scavenger hunt is always a favorite activity for children on camps. You can use it not only as a group activity but just as well for a great birthday game idea. When I was recently asked for a concept I gave this some thought.
Biking tours and rallies with the youth group
Outdoor activities in form of biking tours are and important aspect in experiential education. Biking tours are on top of the popularity scale, because basically everyone can participate. It does not matter whether the group is planning a trip for the weekend or just plans a rally for a few hours in the afternoon.
YouNow: A harmless hype or dangerous trend
YouNow is a streaming service which enables users with only 2-3 clicks to show (expose) themselves on the internet. All you need is basically a computer, the internet, a webcam and a microphone and the respective app.
High Ropes Course
Abseiling, climbing on a rope, hand over hand on a rope, or balancing on a (low) cable-stayed bridge has always been a program point, which thrilled children and teenagers alike.
Program Tip May: On the subject of bottles
An evening about games with bottles. Let's do a little brainstorming. What strikes you when you hear the word bottle?
Craft idea: 3 play games for cooperation games
In the collection of craft ideas 3 games are included that are suitable for super competitive-, or station games. You can prepare all those ideas with little effort and cost.
Beer crate games
Depending on which beer crate game you want to play, how many teams or participants you have in mind, you should be fine with about 20 crates.
Plastic sheets for a water slide
During the hot months, June and July (depending on which side of the planet you live) the water slide is one of the most popular activities on each camp. All you need is a suitable hill and enough water to keep the slide wet at all times.
Addictive online consumption and social exclusion
A study looked at the aforementioned statistical results, but also followed up with the consequences of excessive online use, in particular in young people. Through interviews, it was found that young people who excessively use online games, film portals, erotic offers, etc., are increasingly losing their connection with their friends, respectively, show a poor connection to people in general.
Volunteering – Developing Personality & Skills!
Volunteering: In particular, children and young people can take a lot away from their volunteer work - for their own lives and their future development.
Swimming with the youth group
While swimming, basically there are risk lurking in many places. Both, through the water and by the exuberance of children and young people in general.
Beach games
There are various beach games for those who spend their summer holidays with their youth group at the seaside. For team tournaments you have options such as beach volleyball, beach football, knee handball, beach tennis. For individual events think of games such as beach Olympics in high jump, long jump, race, throwing, as well as some funny games such as the Penguin Race, Tennis Ball pushing or Seal races.
Water Fight with Kids
A great program idea for hot days is always a water fight. On the program list for youth groups you always find: water fight - please bring: water gun, towel and spare clothes.
Mud fight
A mud fight is an appropriate program for a holiday camp. Ideally you can run around in your bathers and when you get dirty you just jump in the water or rinse it off quickly with the garden hose.
Skateboard Contest & Games
The prerequisite for this group program are several available skaters, however, at least 2 and of course, ideally each kid has his own skateboard as well.
Violence Prevention
"Violence is not a solution". Most likely, all of us had heard this sentence several times before. Nevertheless, violence is increasingly an issue, especially among young people. Both in school settings as well as in youth work, youth groups and in the parental home. Violence prevention is, therefore, a critical issue.
Dispute Resolution
Basically: A dispute resolution is not to find the "winner" of the conflict. On the contrary: The primary objective is to achieve a mutually satisfactory solution to the conflict, where none of the partners loses face.
A culture of trust within the youth group
Under a culture of trust, we understand a climate of trust. Whether in a company, at school or in the youth group. The difficulty of building trust has much to do with the loss of control. People who trust in others, let go a part of control they have on their lives.
Youth and Politics
Volunteer work is an excellent entry into political commitment, which gives young people many skills that are of extraordinary importance for his entire future life.
Frisbee Olympics - Games with a frisbee
Program proposal for Frisbee games on the beach or the lawn The beach or a large lawn (football field) are ideal places to play games with a Frisbee.
Let childhood mature within the child!
It's nice when children can experience their childhood as long as possible and are allowed to create their own "Childhood experiences.
Club excursions: on the way in a dinghy (inflatable boat)
You can plan a trip on several dinghies. If you don’t own them yourself, you can maybe borrow them from the local fire brigade or the technical relief organisation. An excellent way to explore local rivers.
Summer holiday program: canoeing trip with children and adolescents
Whether you have your own paddle boats or hire them from a boat rental, canoeing is an ideal summer holiday program for nearby rivers.
The Bowl Rally
Program Tip "Bowl Rally": The participants sit in a bowl of approx. 40cm in diameter. Now, without losing the bowl from your butt, you have to cover a distance of 10 – 20 meters.
No Smartphones for Kids?
Since the offers of many media are aimed at a younger and younger audience, media literacy for kids is becoming increasingly important.
Drawing skills - or Pictionary hard-core
The game is similar to Pictionary - just a little bit more creative. Although, through its three levels it is much more demanding as the simple detection of painted terms.
Indulgence - the worst form of child negligence
The worst form of neglect of a child is his indulgence. By indulging the child, its development is neglected, it is unable to acquire essential skills on its own.
Every wish fulfilled – children made unhappy
"Do you know the surest way to make your child unhappy? Make sure it gets everything it wants" Undoubtedly, his desires will grow unstoppably with the ease of their fulfilment. " Jean-Jacques Rousseau, in "Emile."
Torchlight walks with homemade torches
Particularly during the cold season, when the days get shorter and the nights are longer, torchlight hikes or small celebrations around a campfire lighted with torches are popular activities.
Children and young people still read books
Reading skills are one of the most important key qualifications for a successful education. However, after the access of new media has grown massively in recent years, educators and parents feared that children and young people will take advantage of these offers and reading will fall behind.
Strengthening Confidence
Nothing can strengthen people more than the trust that he is given. Tipp’s, thoughts and ideas for trust games.
Measuring strength - show perseverance and toughness
Guys like to test their strength. It is not about wrestling the other one to the ground but to measure endurance and strength.
Puff games, because I am not out of breath
All those various puffing games will challenge the lungs quite a bit. So what do we learn from this? Properly “puffing” can be quite useful.
Daimler ProCent
How cents can turn into a million! That you can achieve big things with small donations proves the donation initiative Daimler ProCent. This initiative of small contribution with significant effect could make school.
Making a knife block
To find Christmas gifts for family members is often not easy, particularly not for children and adolescents. After all, they want to surprise the recipient with an original gift, which preferably does not cost too much either. Therefore, a self-made knife block for the kitchen is indeed an unusual gift. There are two different ways to make such a knife block, which at the same time are not that expensive either.
Craft ideas for Christmas
Handmade objects are always a good gift idea for Christmas. Simply because the recipient appreciates the effort and time the hobbyist hast invested to come up with a personalised present.
Youth Sexuality 2015
A study was undertaken by the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) in Germany into "Youth Sexuality 2015." Compared to previous research (1980 to 2010), for the present study for the first-time young people, aged 18 – 25 years old, were interviewed in this context. The emphasis, this time, was on the theme "First sexual experiences", “Contraception, behaviour and sexual health products" as well as "Sex education both in the parental home and at school."
The manipulation development
Regarding education, the biggest problems are not the children, but the educator.
Relationship skills
Basically, it's always the connections with people that give life its value. Man is a social animal! Without social relationships, a person is lost, feels sick and will get sick. Fear, loneliness, discouragement and depression will creep in.
Presents for the wall
Here I would like to present 2 craft ideas (sand image, mirror-mosaic) that can be used as a mural or wall decoration.
The youth worker card – Working with Children Check
In Germany, there is the so-called youth leader card. In Australia, it is called the Working with Children Check -and that divides into professional work or volunteer work. Each category has its own Working with Children Check, the training, however, seems to be very similar. The primary purpose of the Working with Children Card is to establish standard quality for everyone working with young people.
The Peas Railway
The peas railway is built quickly and can repeatedly be used as a game station at a school festival, street festival or at a cross-country game.
Game Station Rope ladder
For our station games, we always set up, depending on the terrain, at least, one station where a rope ladder was used. The rope ladder was set up as part of an obstacle course.
Cloth Caterpillar Race
One team gets underneath this cloth panel and on command embarks on the race or hurdle trail. The challenge is that the team always stays underneath the cloth, which needs skilful coordination of their movements. The aim is to move forward just like a caterpillar. This team coordination game is not all that easy.
Program proposal: Toilet paper gaming night
In this game section, you will find some ideas for toilet roll games. Some of the games you can only play outside, but most games are ideal for indoors or the gym.
Candle Games
Program Tips for Advent or your Christmas party: Candle Games. Games with candles are great for the holiday and Christmas season.
Lifekinetik® - interesting for the students, sports and youth work
In relation to child, student and youth work: Lifekinetik helps to improve learning, concentration, creativity, intelligence and even stress can be reduced, using Lifekinetik. It also helps by building team awareness.
Cloth pin game night
During January and February, a game night with cloth pins is easy to prepare. Easy to prepare and with a high fun factor, it promises a successful game night.
Table Tennis Ball - Game Night
With table tennis balls you can’t just play table tennis, there many other games you could play. The ideas in the game collecting should be enough to fill an entire evening with games all around the table tennis ball.
Parents in tutoring craze? Children should also learn to fail
Even the student receives numerous additional lessons after school the experts argue that this benefits the student only somewhat. Besides vocabulary and formulas, they learn primarily one thing: It is not enough to be good.
Games with blankets
Games with blankets are good for the season where you actually cannot go outside.
Program Suggestion: Spring Festival – Fair
Taking the youth group to the Spring Festival and subsequently taking them on rides is always a great event.
The influence of YouTube stars to children and adolescents
According to a survey in the youth magazine "Bravo" (Germany), television hardly matters anymore in the age group of 12- to 19-year-olds. 9 out of 10 young people, however, are on YouTube at least once a week, more than half of them are at least on YouTube once daily.
Lawn Relay Racing Games
Once the lawn is dry enough after the winter, once again, kids can romp around, there are some nice games which can be played on the lawn.
Ball Games: Catching - Running - Dodging – Passing on to - Playing along
Here are just a few keywords which commonly are mentioned with ball games: Speed, skill, agility, responsiveness, ball technique, ball control, team spirit, working together (cooperation and communication), tactics, gross- and fine-motor skills.
Antidepressants: In children and adolescents, they show little effect
One could assume that antidepressants should also help children and young people to overcome their depression. But now a study shows the opposite is true: Those antidepressants available have no effect on children; and if, they are sometimes harmful.
Training under you belt – 10 tips to get you started
When you enter your career path, there are 10 rules to follow. The challenge now is to uphold the good impression from the interview and if possible improve on it.
Dangerous games with knifes, axes and archery
Archery, Javelin, axe throwing are not less dangerous and should be performed only under the supervision of and compliance with safety precautions.
Stand-Up Paddling (SUP)
As the name already implies, with Stand-up Paddling, you do not sit but stand while rowing. This is one of those sports you can do in almost any weather. After all, it does not require wave or strong winds. Also, Stand-Up Paddling is learned faster than surfing and sailing, and even the beginner can get right into it.
Rope Jumping - not always a breeze
The rope jumping is an ancient game that everyone started to play in kindergarten already. Therefore, rope jumping games are also starting, whenever possible, at the kindergarten age. However, if you are tempted to think, rope jumping is only for kids, then you are mistaken.
Crafting a kite
The stormy season is perfect to make a kite. While there are numerous flight and stunt kites to choose from on the market, nothing beats a homemade kite.
Young people do not believe in a fair education system
Overall, the study reported that 52% of young adults and adolescents thought that the educational institutions are unfair because they do not take into consideration that not everyone has the same opportunities.
One in 12 boys is a computer addict
Without any doubt, the use of computers does have its benefits, but they also pose a grave risk. After all, there are many people who are addicted to gambling. A DAK study (health insurance company in Germany) found that it is boys and young men in their 20s, which are most afflicted.
Body and Soul are interacting
Sometimes, people suffer physical as well as emotional without specialists ever finding a cause. However, this ordeal would not be necessary if the connection between the mind and the body had greater consideration in the diagnosis and treatment. A recent study by the University of Basel showed that not only mental problems could influence the physical wellbeing. Likewise, physical problems can influence your mental wellbeing.
Camping in the Snow
It is always a great experience to camp in the snow with a youth group.
Riding the sledge at night
Riding the sledge at night is one of the most exciting adventures for a winter coming together with the youth group. To make it even more impressive, you could put torches on the sledges.
Enjoying your leisure time with a self crafted hammock
A holiday is not really a holiday without a hammock. If you are travelling by car, then his hammock is just as quickly packed up, as you can take it out again and hang it up between two trees.
Night games - Night-time games
During the dark winter months, night games can be played during the normal group lessons in the afternoon, because it is getting already dark between 5 and 6. That makes it easy, to play those games in the surrounding fields and forests.
Games in the Snow
In the section of Games for the Snow, you will find a lot more games for this season. Here are just a few new games which you might want to implement for the next Snow- or Winter Olympics.
Expanding the youth group room and making it your own
Setting up your youth group room – Tips for planning, fire protection and lucrative funding opportunities.
Table Tennis Tournament
All you need is a table tennis surface a few table tennis balls, and the tournament can get started.
Strict upbringing produces school failures
A study by the University of Pittsburgh, the "Maryland Adolescent Development in Context" pointed out, that a very strict upbringing often leads to poor academic performance and even school failure is not unknown.
Violence against children: One in four children is abused
In 2013, the Bepanthen Children Foundation at the University of Bielefeld underwent a study to the subject of "disrespect in children" and "violence against children".
Lack of exercise: children and adolescents are overweight!
Even though obesity was mentioned the most obvious consequence of this lack of exercise, it is by no means the only one. Other consequences include motor deficits and lack of concentration, which in turn leads to poorer performance in school.
Sleeping in the straw for one night
However, to spend the night in a barn, sleeping in hay or straw carries some risks. This must be observed and must be discussed and explain with the participants.
Cleaning your teeth and keeping yourself clean when hiking
When hiking for several days keeping yourself clean and brushing your teeth, is a special task. More often than not, you won’t find any showers, often not even a sink.
Can smartphones make our children sick?
As a new study suggests that an overuse of smart phones can lead to extremely unpleasant consequences for children. Among the possible consequences are obesity, speech problems, insomnia and hyperactivity.
Staying out in the sticks
Here we are talking about some rather unusual places to spend your night: under bridges, in the ditch, under rocks, covered entrances, in the VW bus, in the woods, on the meadow, in the vineyard, on the beach, in dilapidated houses and much more.
Dunny perch
What is a dunny perch? If you asked children and youth from today what a dunny perch is, I am almost sure, they would have no idea.
Study: Younger and younger people watch hardcore-porn
A study with the question: When are kids confronted with sexual content for the first time? 70 % of all kids in the survey stated that they had their first contact with sexual content through their Smartphone, PC or laptop. Media such as magazines, videos or television no longer play any role in this regard.
Youth is like a cider. It cannot hold. It has to ferment and overflow.
A young person needs the freedom to develop, to make his own wrong choices and decisions so he can expand, grow and eventually mature. Even negative experiences are good experiences.
Encourage motivation and curiosity
If the teacher can motivate the student, he will start to learn independently. He would want to discover his skills and apply himself. In this case, the teacher has accomplished a thousand times more than any curriculum.
Puzzle games
Puzzle games promote logical thinking, spatial thinking, thinking "around the corner", problem-solving techniques, creativity and patience.
... and if the student has not gone at least half of his way alone, he has learned nothing.
It takes quite some courage to let go of a child. To enable the child to make its own mistakes and learn from them. However, this is the only way it will ever learn to be independent.
Skits for the camp
A skits night is an excellent evening program, particularly, if well prepared. Skits involve imagination, acting as well as pantomimic skills. Skills, which by far are not promoted enough in kids these days.
Games and ideas for playing at the creek
If you ever stopped at a river with your children you might have observed, that water is always fascinating for them. Almost magically, kids are attracted to the water and play in the shortest time by or in the creek.
Setting up camp in the forest with a subsequent forest game
Finally, it is getting warmer, nature is getting greener, and it is time to get out in the woods again! In the game collection, there are already many ideas for forest afternoons, ideas with educational content, as well as numerous forest games.
A knight’s camp
If you are planning a knights campsite than you are right here! You will find countless game ideas, which are all around knights.
Ham beating - a game from the last century
In this connection with the "ham beating" goes the saying "have a strong handwriting". Each stroke of the hand is performed differently by each of the participating kids.
Gallows cones - Russian Cones or "Swing bowling"
In contrast to the regular bowling (straight forward movement), the Russian bowling is more of a circular motion or circular pendulum movement. The cones are played from the back. Depending on skill, kids are more or less successful.
Croquet is an excellent ball game for the entire group and promotes some skills. It takes a specific tactic to get the balls into position so that you can get it to the next hoop while at the same time block the opponent's way to the next hoop.
Pushball Games
Instead of soccer, try to play a lawn game with a big pushball. It does not matter how big a team is. No matter if a group consists of only 4-5 players or perhaps 15 players. Everyone can participate, an everyone is required.
Head or Tail | Black or white
The lawn game "head or tail," also known as "black or white," is a running and catching game. It is a game for a somewhat larger group with the objectives of concentration and rapid reaction (pursuit or escape), and of course, speed.
When it comes to fitness, kids are just as good as top athletes
As researchers have already found in the past, children's bodies are extremely good at providing energy. This has been shown in several studies in which children left young adults behind.
Jugger - a new trending sport
Even if Jugger looks dangerous at first glance, this modern sport is considered an ideal method for social learning and the reduction of aggression. The reason: On the one hand, the supreme rule in the Jugger is that the security. On the other hand, this sport also combines elements of team and individual sports such as wrestling or.
Psychotropic drugs: are children being made sick?
Especially in the US, parents like to use psychotropic drugs even if their children have minor behavioural problems. How dramatic this development is can be seen from current figures.
Gaming night with children from 5-15 years
Recently, I performed a gaming night for children aged 4 to 15 years. Usually, you plan a gaming night for kids the same age, but this night was a challenge because it was kind of "childcare".
Lawnmower parents
While helicopter parents carefully circle their children, just like helicopters in traffic surveillance, lawnmower parents are much closer to their children. This refers above all to the social environment and the child itself. Possible friends are checked and checked. The child's leisure activities are restricted in a way that the parent has full control.
Great games for a gaming night
There is nothing better than a gaming night in the group room if it is cold outside, and you cannot play in the field. Having a few groovy games at hand is always an experience for children. There is no lack of ideas, but it's often the selection that may give you a headache.
Crafting with melting granules
Crafting with melting granules was very trendy and popular 30-40 years ago. Today, this type of crafting is perhaps less known, but I would still like to introduce this activity. Melting granules can be used to make coasters, colorful window pictures, mobiles, lanterns for the house and garden, Christmas tree decorations and neat, creatively designed pendants.
Christmas thoughts
Candles remind of Christmas. Candles give light to the darkness. Candles provide a fixed point. Candles have always fascinated children. Candles soothe and wrap that what is not necessary in darkness.
Chess - more than just a game
Some educational aspects explain why playing chess would be beneficial for children and teenagers.
School enrollment age and ADHD - is there a connection?
Researchers found that children born before September 1, and thus entering school as five-year-olds, were diagnosed with ADHD far more frequently than children who started school a year later. Interestingly, this clustering of ADHD diagnosis did not occur among children for whom states set a different, earlier cutoff date.
Stunt kite contest
Fun and the challenge to move the kite as long as possible, as undamaged as possible, and through beautiful flight movements as creatively as possible along the sky are paramount.
Darts - a game for everyone
Playing darts requires concentration, inner mental calm, and strong nerves. When things do not go so well, everyone must learn to overcome their frustration to better the following throws. Actually, these are all qualities that one or the other youngster or even adult lacks from time to time.
Airfield hockey table
Admittedly, if you are thinking about buying an airfield hockey table, you will need space for it. But for youth centers with adequate space for games, it would be a great idea to get an airfield hockey table.
Foosball table
Table soccer tournaments are also an excellent program item. Together with table tennis or a billiard table, it is ideal for organizing a tournament evening.
The loneliness of the solo gamer
As fascinating as computer games are and whatever positive characteristics they might have, there is one thing that computer games unquestionably cannot do: prepare players for real people.
Craft ideas made from felt for Easter
Simple craft ideas for Easter. These three ideas here are simple, partly a little more elaborate. However, with appropriate fine motor skills, they are easy to accomplish. The pictures serve as a template, but everyone can make their own individual craft design from it.
Online games - experts warn of addiction risk for children
Experts speak of pathological gambling behavior when the person concerned gives in to the impulse to gamble even when this results in social, societal, financial, or professional problems of a larger scale.
Teenies in social media - influence of Instagram and Co. on teeny's self-image - effects on the psyche?
Teens in social media - the lie of beautiful appearances and its psychological consequences.
Depending on which type of zorbing is played, excitement and adrenaline are guaranteed. A big part of the fun with a zorb is that it is only controllable to a limited extent. However, under certain circumstances, this uncontrollability can also become a danger.
Help, my child does not get out of bed!
The child dawdles in getting up, getting dressed, brushing teeth, sits on the toilet for half an hour. The stress in the morning drives many parents crazy, and they are helpless in the face of such situations. In this article you can find some thoughts of psychological causes of "not wanting to get up early in the morning" or dawdling.
Team player skills & team development
The individual can only be as good as the team can work together or find its way together. In the vast majority of cases, the goal will not be achieved. What else is essential besides cooperation and trusting collaboration, good communication, coordination, organization, or resources (skills) to advance team building and team development to benefit all? What are the actual team-destroying factors?
Sleeping bags for vacation camps, cycling, or hiking tours
For vacation camps or multi-day hikes, the question always arises as, which sleeping bag is suitable. Sleeping bags are now available at very reasonable prices compared to the past years; you can almost say more performance & comfort at the same price.
Promoting and strengthening team spirit with tournaments and sporting events
Just recently, I wrote something on the topic of team development. What does it involve, who is a team player, etc.? In addition, sporting events are also an excellent way to foster public relations and make new connections. Sports events as promotion for the youth group.
Small games around the swing
Most children love swings. Maybe it reminds them of gently moving in mom's tummy, or perhaps they love the feeling of freedom and the tiny moment of weightlessness on the crest of a swing. Games on and with the swing not only add movement and fun to a child's birthday party, but they also train balance and motor skills.
Playing Indiaca
Playing Indiaca is simply fun. Indiaca is played with the flat of the hand. The game device consists of a palm-sized padded "leather bag" with feathers stuck into it. The game probably originated in South America and was played there by the indigenous people.
Finger puppets as Easter decorations
Such a finger puppet can be made relatively quickly and does not require great needle and thread skills from the children.
Building a Puff-Puff Boat
Children can use simple tools to build a Puff-Puff Boat that will run independently for hours, at least as long as the necessary heat source works, such as a tea light.
Online group lesson - Youth Work in times of Corona
At least not since WWII has it happened that public life came to a standstill like now. For youth work, that means no more group hours in times of Corona crisis, either. What to do?
Corona Online Youth Work session
So why not an online youth group class? But what should you do in an online youth group class? I already mentioned a few ideas for online group sessions. Today, here are a few more ideas that work well with a webcam.
Living room game ideas
The following ideas are suitable for the living room. Of course, once this corona crisis is over and group lessons are possible again, these are great game ideas for a game evening in the group room or any party.
Living room games 2
Following are more games to play at home in the living room during the Corona crisis. The games are suitable for young and old, some games can also be played via webcam. However, you would have to have the whole living room - i.e., the playing field in view. But with a bit of creativity, this is feasible.
Making fire with unusual things
Therefore, making a fire is often one of the biggest problems on a camp or camping holiday.
The pandemic and its consequences for children and adolescents
Even if children and adolescents are hardly affected by the coronavirus themselves according to the current medical status, the accompanying circumstances have a negative impact on them, as has now been established in a study.
Games with distance
Even until late 2021, the dangers of the Corona pandemic are ever-present. One of the most important rules for avoiding infection is to "keep your distance." But how can you play games with distance?
Drug addiction: Nothing is addictive by itself
When a person has embarked on a "drug career," the drug itself is often blamed. A Canadian doctor sees it differently and turns the typical image of drug addiction on its head. It is the temptation, the snake in paradise, but is that really so?
Are preppers role models?
When teenage Boy Scouts light campfires and bivouac in the great outdoors, it's to experience an extraordinary time of fellowship. Preppers see this as part of a survival strategy for a bleaker future, and they continue this beyond childhood and adolescence. Is this why preppers are the ones who survive the worst-case scenario and why they are role models?
Game station: milking the cow
We've also incorporated this game as a station on a station terrain run. It's a challenge because whoever gets a chance to practice milking? I wouldn't recommend milking a "real" cow.
Dangerous self-assertion - narcissism in children
In a study, 565 children and their parents were interviewed several times separately for 18 months. Questions were mainly asked about self-image or how the parents see their child.
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