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Ham beating game is a game for boys only
Ham beating - a game from the last century
In my old documents, I found this picture. It shows a group of boys during ham beating. In this game, a boy bends down, with his eyes closed. He has to guess who hit him on the buttocks. Ham beating is quite an old game and belongs more in the 19th century. Most certainly it is no longer contemporary.
Make sure that this game does not get out of hand!
However, even I remember this game somehow faintly and that I used to play it while I was a child with other words at the beginning of my youth leadership time.
In this connection with the "ham beating" goes the saying "have a strong handwriting". Each stroke of the hand is performed differently by each of the participating kids. Everyone has a unique "handwriting", so to speak. After a few (more or less painful) passes, the candidate will certainly be able to recognise who hit him on his bottom.
Ham beating is a game for boys only. Even it is not quite up-to-date anymore if you want to play it, be careful that it does not get out of hand. The group leader should know his kids well because not everyone can endure such a game. What started as fun may end in tears.
The slightly less intense version
All group members stand at a distance of 150 - 200 cm in a semicircle around the volunteer, who leans down in a stooped position with his hands in front of his. One of the bystanders who strikes must move in the direction of the candidate, quickly make his hit on the rump and just as quickly step back into the semicircle line. As soon as the stroke has been executed, the volunteer may turn around and then perhaps recognise who the culprit was, or recognise him by his handwriting.
If he guesses the person, he can go back to the semicircle, and the culprit gets a go!
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