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The Great Pirate Ship Battles
Game Idea:
Three opposing teams have two hours to build a raft. In the end, the great battle will take place on a lake.
Raft building + building material at stations:
conquer pirate flag in the lake and return to the shore
basic material is available (ropes, logs, tools, nails)
Additional material has to be earned (cans, bottles, wood, nails, sheets ...)
There are 7 play stations
building 2 hours, pirate battle: 1 hour
18 players per team (may vary)
1 Supervisor
Participants will be divided into 4-5 raft builder, a captain, whose job it is to look at what material the raft builders need (he can support both groups). The remaining teammates are material-collectors or material earner
In the end, each group will need 2-4 warriors
Object of staff:
Avoid injury (nails, instability of raft)
Smooth running
Time management
Helpful intervention
36 logs with 1.5m length and about 14cm in diameter (12 per team)
Nails (10cm), string
3 equal PE drums
Sheets (for ship's flag)
3 saws, hammers 3, 3 scissors
Plenty of wooden boards
Paints and brushes (for ship's flag)
At the beginning, each team gets 12 logs, a barrel and string as a base material. In addition, each group has a hammer, a saw and a pair of scissors.
Beginning of the game:
Now the group must try to earn additional materials from various stations. The captain indicates what other material the raft builders need. The material collectors are always on the go (in pairs). They will compete against other groups in the various stations. Depending on the particular station the winning team receives boards, nails or other materials.
Rum - Binge boozing
Which team is faster, drinking one litre of tea or water with a straw.
Material: water or tea, cups (1-litre container), straws (it looks funnier if you use longer straws)
Treasure Chest towing
Which team is quicker transporting a heavy treasure around the trail?
Material: heavy box, the course needs to be prepared
Weightlifting coconuts
Which group can lift more coconuts with an outstretched arm?
Material: coconuts
Favorite sports
(get a spoon across a ravine, shooting down your opponent)
Which team is more skilled to get a certain amount of water across a predetermined distance? One team has to walk a marked, 3m long trail, carrying a full cup of water. Each group gets two minutes. The other team tries to “bombard” the team with softball to knock the glass of water out of their hands.
Material: plastic cups, water, many softballs, marked area
Parrot flight (paper plane throwing)
Which paper airplane can fly the furthest? Anyone constructs a paper plane in a short time.
Material: Paper
Fight over the gorge
The team is on a bench or something alike, trying to knock off their opponents on the other side using a swim noodle.
Material: benches, swimming noodles
Additional Station: Jolly Roger
In the end, each team should have made a pirate flag.
Material: sheets, paint, brushes, marker pen.
Pictures and idea send in by Manuel Schröder (Germany)
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