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A day in “Villa Villekulla “
As a basis for the following games one can use the theme of ‘Pippi Long-stockings’ or ‘Villa Villekulla’.
Before the games start you can gather the children together and find out what they know about Pippi Long stockings and her life – this will make them aware about the games that are to follow.
The following will explain many different games; however by no means do they have to be played in the same order. All in all this is a very varied and fun games afternoon (or evening ).
Firstly the groups are formed. The group size is optional however it works best when there are between 5-6 people per group.
Game 1: Strong like Pippi
For this game you need one person from each group and two chairs per person. The shoes are set up approximately 1.5m apart. Then the selected people lie across the chairs like a plank – with the stomach facing the floor i.e. the feet should be on one chair and the arms/hands on the other.
It is important that all the participants lie ‘like a plank’ across the chairs (body should be stretched). The person who can stay stretched out like this across the chairs for the longest, wins. The winning group receives one point (as with all the games).
Game 2: Animal lover like Pippi
Again one person is selected from the group. Decide which group will go first. It is important here that the selected people who are yet to wait for their turn, stand outside the room so no one knows what they have to do in advance.
If there is a risk of cheating then someone from one of the groups should stand outside and keep an eye on the others.
The team leader explains the game: the participant should make as many animal noises as they can think of. The group has to guess the animals of the sounds being made. Each participant has 1-2 minutes for this task.
Variation 1: The participants are shown animals on small cards. These can include more unusual species e.g. a toad, a zebra, a sloth… In addition you can incorporate the animals here that Pippi has at home (horse and monkey).
Variation 2: The participants can use mimes to accompany which animal they are imitating. However they are not allowed to speak or give clues!
Game 3: Swift like Pippi
Two people are chosen from each group, one stronger person and one slightly lighter. The stronger person (Pippi) has to run a designated distance with the lighter person (Annika or Tommy) on their back. The quickest team wins. Here one has to take note that the lenght to be run is varied e.g. including stairs, around chairs etc… The start and finish are demonstrated beforehand.
Variation: The participants are given a set time. The team which manages to complete the run closest to this time wins. However by no means does the pre-set time have to be guided by the best possible time. A somewhat longer time can also be allocated. With this variation the participants don’t just have to run, rather also have to think about how much time they have left.
Naturally the other group members should noisily support their teams
(Tip: collect the watches of those taking part!)
Game 4: Intelligent like Pippi
For this game one participant is required from each group. This game is again played in order hence those who are not on turn to play should wait outside. The first candidate is blindfolded and then has to guess the identity of 10 different objects which are handed to them one after the other.
Whoever guesses the most objects wins.
Of course the 10 objects have to be provided in advance.
Variation 1: Is based on time i.e. whoever guesses the objects in the quickest time, wins. For this it is best to provide more simple objects.
Variation 2: The objects have to be organised in size order on a table – obviously with eyes blind folded. Whoever manages this best, wins.
(Ensure that the groups do not give any clues!)
Game 5: Greedy like Pippi
One participant from each group is chosen – all sit next to each other on chairs. The participants are blind folded and given a pencil and piece of paper placed in front of them. They are then given several edible things to taste; they have to then write down what they think that they tasted.
As soon as all the participants have written something the next ‘taster’ is given. In total there can be approximately 10 taste items which can be unusual e.g. melon pieces, almonds, cough syrup, dry rice, cocoa powder, orange piece, porridge oats etc…
To finish prepare several items on one spoon (4/5) which the candidates receive all at once. They have to distinguish between the different tastes and guess what different items were on the spoon. Even for this you can use ‘non-conventional things’ e.g. pepperoni with goat’s cheese, mustard, strawberry jam and sunflower oil.
However it is better to provide a bucket (ideally several J ) just in case the delicacies are not so delicious after all.
Game 6: Sensitive like Pippi
Again this is based on a ‘touch-game’. The format is similar to the previous game; one participant per group, one chair per participant, and blindfolds.
Then each participant receives a plastic bag containing many different objects. These can be figurines from kinder surprise eggs, batteries, various small balls, toy cars, various hats, paper clips etc.
Then the participants are told the name of one object which they have to find whilst blindfolded. Whoever finds the object first receives one point for their group. If a participant picks out the wrong object they have to wait until all the other participants have held up an object. If no-one holds up the correct object then the search continues until the right object is found.
Tasks could include: “Find the 10-cent piece”, “Find the thumbtack (careful, inform all that it is in the bag!)!”, “Find the gnome!”, “Find the red paper clip!”…
Game 7: Concluding game: Quiz about Pippi
As a concluding game, a quiz about Pippi Long stockings is recommended in which all group members can properly take part.
Here it applies that the one whose hand is first to be put up is the one whose turn it is; shouting out does not count.
The group members should however quietly confer before answering because if a wrong answer is given, the other group receives a point!
Variation: Per question one person from each group goes up against one person from the other group. Whoever is first to answer receives a point for their group.
Possible Quiz questions :
What is Pippi’s full name?
(Pippilotta Delicatessa Windowshade Mackrelmint Ephraim's Daughter Longstocking) -
What are Pippi’s friends called?
(Annika and Tommy) -
What kind of tree does Pippi have in her garden?
(Lemonade tree) -
Who is the author of Pippi Long stockings?
(Astrid Lindgren) -
Where does Pippi’s father Ephraim come from?
(Taka-Tuka-Land) -
What is the name of Pippi’s monkey?
(Mr. Nilsson) -
How many braids does Pippi have?
(2) -
Does Pippi like going to school?
… A contribution from Andreas Baamann
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