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‘Top model’ search
This game or these games are based on the well known TV- show ‘Germany’s next Top Model’ (Pro 7), and are ideal if the youth groups are predominantly comprised of girls. The boys can form the jury, and the search is on to find the next female top model who can take the world by storm.
Of course the opposite is also possible i.e. that the group consists mainly of boys in which case the girls sit on the judging panel and the search is for the next top male model. The following describes tasks that are more suitable to be carried out with girls. The jury consists of 3-5 participants who can choose who they want to be. They can choose between Rolf Scheider (the casting director), Peyman Amin (the modelling agent), Bruce Darnell (the catwalk trainer), Boris Entrup (the make-up-artist) and of course Heidi Klum (don’t forget the wig).
Each character can logically only be seated once in the jury and should also give character-suited commentary. Anyone familiar with the show will be familiar with how the characters behave…
One should make sure that this competition takes place in a large enough room or in a long hallway (which is perfect as a catwalk). At the end of the catwalk a table is set up, behind which the jury take their seats.
Point allocation:
Points are allocated in the following way:
Each judge is given cards with the numbers 1-10 written on them i.e. 10 cards/judge. Alternatively a piece of paper and pencil on which the judges can write their scores can be used.
After each aspiring model has presented, the judges set aside a card with the respective score on it.
Thus in each round there are between 1 and 10 points to be gained. Once each judge on the panel has made up their minds about a particular model, they can then evaluate the scores and give their reasons (e.g. “I gave you ….points because…”) - each judge of course acts in character.
The judging panel can also consult one another during a performance. Different aspects can be judged according to category (e.g. gestures, facial expressions, posture, charisma, creativity etc…)
The points are written down and then added up later. The model with the most points at the end is the new “Top model” and receives a modelling contract and is awarded with several campaigns
After the modelling candidates have taken their places at the side of the catwalk, they can then hold their own in the following categories:
The Catwalk 1:
The candidates walk up and down the catwalk. They should come to a stand still in front of the judges. The difficulty with this is that they have to balance a frisbee on their heads. Things that can also be judged here are how the models behave when the frisbee falls off their heads. Moreover, the poses that the models make at the end of the catwalk should be considered.
After each candidate has completed their walk, and the jury has given their verdicts, proceed to the next category.
The Presentation:
Now it is a question of demonstrating skills as a sales person. There are several objects which the have to be presented by the models. Ensure that there are enough objects available (1 per model) before the competition begins. Each model receives an object (one after the other) which they have to present to the judges in such a way that they would convince them to buy the ‘product’ off them. They only have one minute in which to do this. During this time the candidates should explain why the object that they see before them is something that you simply cannot do without and why it is an absolute “must have”. There are no limits to creativity for this.
‘Products’ can be: a screwdriver, a nail clipper, a nut cracker, a tennis ball, out of date product (with content inside), an old, broken Tupperware box, an invisible training device to tone the abdominal muscles etc…
This task will test the acting skills of the aspiring model; which could come in handy later in their careers. After the ‘junk’ party proceed on to the next category.
The Photo Shoot:
Again imagination is required. For this task it is advisable to have a digital camera so that you can create a real ‘photo shoot’ atmosphere. In addition to this it means you will have some wonderful pictures to remember the event by. This task can be played in different variations, of which I briefly present two:
Each model has 2-3 minutes to perform different poses in front of the jury. It probably won’t be possible to take photographs as each pose should only be held for a short period, whilst taking photographs requires more time. The jury evaluates again according to the standard criteria. Even how unusually and extravagantly the models pose will be judged.
In variation 2 the models have to think of 3 poses and then perform these. Then the ‘star photographer’ can take a photograph of each of the poses. A time limit is not required for this.
As a little extra the models can choose 2-3 things that they would like to wear prior to the photo shoot. These things would have to be logically prepared in advance. These things could include; a handbag, an old or modern pair of glasses, a hat or cap, a scarf, rubber Wellingtons etc.
The clothes styling of the models can also be considered by the jury.
The catwalk 2:
It is necessary for the models to prove themselves for a second time on the catwalk. The models should go in pairs (draw lots or choose partners themselves) and think of some choreography for the catwalk which will accompany a randomly selected song. The models can create this as desired. The jury reminds everyone that one should pay attention to the poses that they make in front of the judges and that these will be under close attention.
The Obstacle Course:
Before this task, several obstacles have to be obtained which are then randomly spread out along the catwalk (tennis or table tennis balls, marbles [caution: risk of slipping], cardboard cartons, chairs…)
The candidates have to cross the obstacle course as imaginatively as possible (walk, crawl, hop…)
(So that the competition is fair, all the models can wait in a separate room, after which the models can be called one after the other. The task is obviously made known beforehand).
The finale:
To conclude the competition there is one final special task for all of the candidates. Each person chooses a member of the jury with whom they have to act out a particular situation (photo shoot with ‘partner’ [model, animal…] a short improvised theatre scene or something else). This provides a fun ending to a long competition. (Variation: the points can be doubled here)
After all categories have been judged, the jury retires and reveals the scores. If there is no time left to do the awards ceremony, this could always be held at the beginning of the next youth session. You can also bring sashes or certificates for the candidates so that they have something to remember the competition by.
The next top model will then travel across the world and receives many jobs.
A contribution from Andreas Baamann
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