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Shipwreck of belief
"See that what you have heard from the beginning remains in you. If it does, you also will remain in the Son and in the Father. And this is what he promised us—even eternal life. "
1. John 2, 24
What a sentence. Lots of Christians wonder why the belief became a shipwreck. Well, maybe you have already reached this point, and the connection is no longer there. It is somehow broken off, a deep gaping ravine.
Why might this have happened?
Jesus no longer has a place in your heart or in your life. Other things have (with time) become more important. That can happen. A full appointment calendar, duties, more responsibilities, friends, girl/boyfriend, job or school. The priorities have suddenly become restructured and taa daa Jesus is placed somewhere on the outskirts, or banned completely.
How could it get this far?
You haven’t watched out! Paid no attention! I mean you: You had to pay attention, not your youth leader or your church leader. If you do not pay attention on the roads you are in danger of landing under the wheels of a vehicle. While you were a child, you parents held your hand and if you did not manage to break free, nothing could happen, but later ...
The same applies to belief.
You have to pay attention yourself that Jesus keeps a place in your heart - in everything that you do. You cannot always hold other peoples hands. Later on, if you do not pay attention to yourself and your belief, it can happen very quickly that your connection is broken.
If Jesus is important to you, give him a place in your heart again so that you have a very close link again. Take care that you store his word in your heart and therefore always stay connected to him and his father.
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