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The Hotline Number 50.15
You will be helped here!
- Have you ever needed help?
- What did you do about it?
- To whom did you turn?
- Did they help you?
Sometimes it is despairing. No one wants to help you! Simply abandoned by everybody – simply left alone. Now what?
It’s good to know you have someone you can call for help. You can be confident that you will be helped here. I hope that you have friends that you can call on when you have problems and need help, friends that have time for you. That you will be able to say: Here is where I can call when I need help.
And perhaps you can simply speak with God about you, your life and your problems. In prayer - this Hotline is free. God says: call me when you are in trouble... (Psalm 50:15)
[ © | 2000 Games and Ideas for Youth Work ]