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Carnival party

It is very important that everybody wears a costume. You have to mention this early, if the group meets irregularly. The best way is to write it in the invitations. The decoration is also very important to set the mood. Paper garlands, balloons and confetti for the games are cheap and can always be used again.

Association game

The association game is a good mix of moving and thinking. You need three chairs that you put at the end of the room. All players stay at the other end of the room. A guard sits on the chair in the middle. When he says "carnival" the children are allowed to run if they know a similar word. Those who run try to sit down on one of the two other chairs. The two players that manage to sit on the chairs tell their word to the guard. The guard chooses the better word and the winner sits down on the chair in the middle. Now the game begins at the beginning and the player in the middle calls out his word. The words still have to have something to do with carnival in the first round and should not be repeated. In the next rounds, only words that remotely have something to do with carnival can be used.

Costume Competition

The jury is made up of leaders. Each child has to introduce him/herself in front of the jury. This can be a gesture and has to match the costume. At the end the ones with the best performance/costume win. The jury can think about separating the girls and boys and whether the winners should get a price, medal or a certificate.

Carnival Olympic Games

For these Olympic Games, you need groups that are equal in strength. The players are kept interested if they can get points for each game. At the end the group with the highest score wins.

  1. Balloon race

    The race is like a relay. The groups divide themselves: half of the people stand on one side of the room and the other people on the other side of the room. The groups get a balloon that they put between their knees. They try to reach the other end of the room as fast as they can. If they reach the other size, they pass the balloon to their next group member.

  2. Eating Competition

    One player of a group plays against another player. The one who has finished eating a marshmallow (or similar) first wins. Then two other players begin until everyone has had a go. You are not allowed to use your hands.

  3. Making garlands

    Each group gets paper, scissors and glue. They have five to ten minutes to make a long garland. At the end the group with the longest garland wins.

  4. Confetti-Balance

    Each player gets a plastic cup that is full of confetti. They have to place the cup on their head. They get time to practice before they play the game. Afterwards a leader gives them instruction how they have to move.

    "Touch your nose with your finger"
    "Take five steps forward"
    "Spin around five times"
    "Go back to your group members and shake hands"
    "Take three steps back"
    The player who still has the plastic cup on his head wins the game.

  5. Spooning caramels

    There are lots of caramels (bonbons) on the floor. Each player gets a spoon and a little bag. The players should spoon as many caramels as possible into their bags. They are not allowed to use the other hand. The group with the most caramels wins.

  6. Carnival Quiz

    You need around ten questions on the topic of carnival. These questions can be about the different expressions for the word carnival, the dates of carnival, the relevance of the number 11 or the customs. The group is allowed to discuss the question but just the person at the front is allowed to give a signal (a horn, a bell) and the answer.

    The group gets a point if the answer is right. If the answer is wrong they get a penalty point and another group gets the chance to answer. The one at the front goes to the back and the next question is asked.

  7. Dressing rally

    The groups stand in line. At one end of the room there are clothes for dressing up; enough for each player. Examples are a hat, an eye patch, a clown nose, a wand, a cape etc. A player runs towards the clothes, takes something with and gives it to the next person. This person puts it on, runs back and passes on both pieces to another person. The group with the player who is dressed up first wins the game.

  8. Blowing up balloons

    One player in a group begins. All players stand back to back and try to blow up a balloon as large as possible without bursting it. When a player finishes the others have to stop, too. They knot it and compare the size of the balloons with each other. The player with the biggest balloon wins.
    Afterwards the other players in the groups have a turn.

  9. Carnival pantomime

    A player mimes a typical carnival figure: a clown, a pirate, a princess, a cowboy etc. The group which guesses correctly first wins a point and the next group player has a go.

  10. Balloon Throwing

    The room is divided with a cord into two pitches. In each pitch there are a lot of balloons. The groups try throwing as many balloons as possible on the field of the other group. The group with the least balloons in its field wins.

  11. Blowing garlands

    One player in each group begins. Each player gets a garland that is rolled up. All players stand at the edge of a table. They try to blow this garland as far as they can. The player who manages to blow the garland the furthest wins the game. The next player then has a go until everyone has taken part.

  12. Carnival Templates

    Each group gets a template to colour in. Within 5 minutes the groups should come as far as they can with painting. The group with the most/best coloured in template wins.

  13. Toy trumpet blowing

    With some cords we make a show-jumping course in the room. The group is divided; one half stands in the right corner and the other half in another corner. Each group gets a trumpet and a wad of cotton wool. With the trumpet they blow the wad of cotton wool through the show-jumping course. At the end the player passes on both items to another player who has to complete the course in the opposite direction.

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