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Halloween - The full program for the Halloween night

To make a real Halloween night, it requires the appropriate clothing and decoration. Thus, the children should be asked to dress up as witches in advance, Dracula, ghosts and so on. The space should be pre-decorated. This can be done with the kids well in advance. Decoration suggestions: cotton wool scraps as cobwebs, hollowed pumpkin, grave lights, etc.

After all children have arrived, start with a brainstorming session. Write all the ideas down on a DIN A3 paper (example see fig. below). The children are encouraged to write down everything they can think of regarding Halloween. This brainstorming session is used as a gaming or orientation plan for the whole evening, because to (almost) every idea a game should be played. Also, a small item (e.g. a small pumpkin) is needed to be placed on the right game. This helps children to keep track on which subject is on currently. Another option would be, to let the winner decide to which game the pumpkin moves next, which then will be played.

  1. Spider Gang:

    All participants move around like spiders (only hands and feet touch the ground). Everyone must try to toss over the other person, using only his bum. Of course, without falling over himself. Whoever falls over has to leave the game. The winner is, who is last walking around like a spider.

  2. Murder in Palermo:

    The famous game "Who is the murderer?" is played.

  3. Poor black tomcat:

    All children sit in a circle on the floor. One player is the "Poor Black Tomcat". He has to crawl around in a circle. Next the “black cat” stops in front of a child. This child has to say “poor black cat,” stroking him over his head. In turn, the “black cat” has to do everything possible to make the other child laugh. For example, he can gesture, grimace or even meow loudly. However, the child is not allowed to laugh. Only repeating saying, “poor black cat.” If the black cat succeeds to get the child to laugh, the roles are switched, and the other child becomes the “poor black cat.”

    Variation: Instead of "poor black cat" you also can say "poor little ghost." The ghost then is supposed to make the others laugh by making grimaces or by giving them dirty looks.

  4. The love moon

    The youth worker reads aloud:

    "The moon is responsible for the fact that the woman does not know who the murderer is. Why?"

    Now, the participants teamed up in two or three groups start to ask the youth worker questions, which he can only answer with “yes” or “no.” Each team can ask as long as until they receive a “no.”

    The winner is, who has solved the mystery.

    Here is the solution: "The woman was lying on the beach reading a thriller. She was tired and fell asleep. When the flood came - which is indeed caused by the moon - the book has been washed away by the tide. So she missed out reading the end. "

  5. Witches Soup

    The first player says: "I'm a witch and into my kettle I throw a ..." – Then he says something disgusting (snakeskin, witches’ hair, otter noses, etc.). The next participant from the left now, starts the sentence again, however, repeating the ingredient(s) from the player(s) before as well. So it continues until every child had a go!

    Who does not know all the ingredients or gets the order right, leaves the game.

  6. Chocolate Eating Contest

    Material: chocolate wrapped in a newspaper, knife, fork, gloves, hat, scarf, dice

    One player casts the dice. If he gets a six he has to pass the dice on quickly, put on all the above-mentioned cloth, unwrap the chocolate and try to get a piece of the chocolate. In the meantime, the other kids continue to cast the dice until another child gets a 6. Now this child gets all the clothes from the first child and also tries to get a piece of chocolate before another kid rolls a 6.

  7. Pumpkins

    Material: a pre-weighed pumpkin

    A pumpkin is placed in the center of the circle, and everyone can estimate how heavy the pumpkin is. The winner is, who has the best estimate.

  8. Dracula

    All players are sitting on the ground with their legs apart; two players are determined to take on the role of Dracula or the victim respectively. Dracula chases, how could it be otherwise, behind the victim, screaming: "Blood, blood ..." in return the victim screams: "Help, help ..." If Dracula comes dangerously close to the victim, the victim can take refuge in a house = the straddled legs of another player. The “house” now takes on the role of Dracula and Dracula becomes the victim. The first victim can take a break. If Dracula catches the victim, roles are changed.

  9. Ghost Story

    Material: a lot of small sweets

    The “chief ghost”, a youth worker, tells a ghost story, which contains the word “ghost” - as often as possible. Whenever this word is said, all the ghost children can quickly grab a candy. But beware! - Compound words such as "ghost hour" do not count. The kids are also not allowed to take sweets when the chief ghost says “spirit” instead of ghost.

  10. Journey to the Graveyard

    The game is played like “Musical Chairs”, except that the chairs are the graves and the children are vampires. When the sun rises, (when the music stops) every child tries to get an empty chair. Whoever does not manage is burnt by the sun and has to leave the game.

  11. Mummy

    Material: Per team two rolls of toilet paper

    The children are divided into 2 or more teams. Each team chooses a mummy and receives two rolls of toilet paper. Beginning with a start signal all children have to try wrapping up their mummy with the toilet paper. The winner is, whose mummy is completely wrapped up first.

  12. All bats are flying high

    The children sit around the table. One child is chosen to be the game leader; he can let the bats fly. When he calls out: “All bats fly high!” he also lifts his arms up into the air. All other kids have to imitate him and lift their hands up into the air as well. Now the game leader calls out other objects, which can fly. However, in between he also calls out other objects that cannot fly. For example: “All pumpkins can fly!” This time, the kids are not supposed to lift up their arms. However, who did not pay attention and raises his arms has to leave the game. The most attentive player wins and also is the game leader for the next round.

Provided by Christoph

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