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Thoughts and Meditation about Doors…

doors - entry door doors - entry door doors - entry door

In former times, doors were individually made – today the are mostly mass produced. Nevertheless, today’s doors still give every house a unique touch. The door is an entrance to something that is behind it.

Today we want to think about doors.

  • What is so special about doors?
  • How do doors function?
  • What experiences have you already had with doors?
  • What does the Bible say about doors – or weren’t there any doors then?

doors - entry door doors - entry door doors - entry door

  • Doors - what is hiding behind them?
  • Doors - simple, plain, decorated and inviting!
  • Doors - open or closed!
  • Doors - locked out?
  • Doors - how do I come in?
  • Doors - inviting or rejecting?

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If any of you hears my voice an opens the door, I will come in and eat with you. And you will eat with me."

(Revelation 3.20)

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