source: | 2000 Games, Devotions, Themes, Ideas and more for Youth Work
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„Iron Man“

In „Iron Man“ the point is to organise a competitive event within the youth group. Which disciplines and how many disciplines are used can vary from club to club and from youth group to youth group. The length of the competitive games does not necessarily have to be kept to one evening but can be spread out over several evenings. The winner can be presented with a certificate and a trophy which can be passed on each year.

The idea was sent in by Alexander D. from Neuweiler (Germany).

Description of the competition

The group is presented with 3 areas of discipline from which they must choose 2, which means that 1 area of discipline can be de-elected or the worst area can be crossed of by the leader at the end. Then they would be tested and judged in all three categories.

The number of points collected are added together and the “best” member of the group (according to the points score) is named as „Group Member of the first half of 2006“. The group’s behaviour also counts towards the judging. Each group member fights for themselves. There are 2 leaders per area or one leader in the 1st area (sport). In each area 100 points can be won which means 200 in the mandatory areas and 100 points for behaviour. The highest score is: / 300 points. There are time limits for all areas which are controlled and checked. The prize is an official certificate and the group’s trophy.


  1. Knowledge (Quiz)
  2. Sport
  3. Skill or special talents
    (The worst area will be crossed off at the end which means that 2 must count)
  4. Behaviour in the last (or in this) group session.
    (Which is automatically added to the judging).


  1. Knowledge:

    "Blitz quiz": The questions come in a quick fire round. The players must answer as many questions as possible in 90 seconds. No idea? Then say “pass”! (There are 20 questions altogether which means 4.5 seconds per question).


    5 points are awarded for each correctly answered question = max. 100 points

  2. Sport:

    „The sporty test“: Fetch an object out of a bucket 200m away as quickly as possible.

    Judging / time cuts:

    - Up to 30 Seconds: 100 points
    - Up to 60 Seconds: 80 points
    - Up to 90 Seconds: 60 points
    - Up to 120 Seconds: 40 points
    - Up to 150 Seconds: 20 points
    - Over 150 Seconds: 0 points
    (Players are also allowed to give up on this station)

  3. Skill:

    "Special talents": The group collects their points with their own personal abilities. A carpet is laid out and the scenery is set up like “search for a star“.

    The group are given some ideas about what they can do and then everyone does what they can do best. The jury scores the group members and gives points for different areas of talent. The aim is to get to 100 points as quickly as possible which means that the jury must record the time taken to reach 100 points.

    Warning: The points can be collected quite easily here because everyone has their own talents. They should think about what they want to do beforehand.

    Points scoring:

    30 Points = Telling a super joke
    20 Points =Feet behind your head
    05 Points = A somersault
    05 Points = Touching your nose with your tongue
    40 Points = Singing or rapping a song (no simple children’s songs)
    10 Points = A cartwheel
    10 Points = A headstand or handstand
    ……………Other talents

    Time cuts:

    - Up to 60 Seconds: 100 points
    - Up to 120 Seconds: 80 points
    - Up to 50 Seconds: 60 points
    - Up to 180 Seconds: 40 points
    - Up to 210 Seconds: 20 points
    - Over 210 Seconds: 0 points

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