source: | 2000 Games, Devotions, Themes, Ideas and more for Youth Work
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Much too Fast…
Much too fast we race through life. From one appointment to the next. From one party to the next. From one film to the
next. No breaks, no time. In doing so, we lose sight of ourselves and others. We are only puppets of our appointment calendars and are dependent on the opinions of others – because we don’t have the time to think for ourselves. No time to grasp the meaning of life, no time to think
about our relationship with God. Perhaps we don’t want to think about it, because what would happen, when we recognize the senselessness in our lives? There would then be a big emptiness in us.
God would like to give you a meaningful life. He wants to fill you with his spirit and open your eyes to the essence of life. Don’t race through life and realize at the end of it that you were going through life too fast and missed the beautiful and important things of life
[ © | 2000 Games and Ideas for Youth Work ]