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You are You – That is the Showstopper

I love the German song “Du bist Du” (You are You). Clearly expressed: you are quite special, you are unique.
You are you, just as you are. It makes no difference if you are a rather happy or an more often sad type of person.
It doesn’t make a difference if you are better or worse than the others around you. It doesn’t matter whether you can do more or less or whether you have a lot or little money.
You are a thought of God. You are ingenious and unique. And that is the absolute show stopper. In every verse the passage “ never forget this” comes twice.
All too often we nevertheless forget:
- We would like to be like others
- We dislike ourselves
- We can not understand why this or that must be like it is
- We can not accept that others have more happiness than we do
It really make no sense to want to be like others or to whine over it that you aren’t. Be happy that you’re alive, that you have great characteristics that no one else has.
Be happy that God loves you!
[ © | 2000 Games and Ideas for Youth Work ]