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only for private using
A game for 16 players; which is based on Ludo.
The principle of the game:
1 game leader (he leads the game/ the course)
1 assistant (he is responsible for the mini games)
Groups of four players; one player is the team leader (he is not an active player on the board)
The team leader plays dice with the game leader at a table. (The team leader decides which person of his team moves forward)
3 attempts to get out of the “house”
Normal rules
At an action field you are allowed to throw the dice twice
Joker option: sponge game (1. question
answer: sponge 2. question
answer to the first question etc. (5 questions) )
Action field:
Put the photos of the children in order to their names
Move four steps forward
Ring throwing
2 players place a loo plunger on their head; another player has to throw five rings on this stick
“Music was my first love”
Come up with songs by hearing seven words
Guessing fairy tales
Rumpelstilzken (5 fairy tales)
Town, Country, River
The assistant runs through the letters of the alphabet in his head. A player gives a signal so that the assistant stops. He calls out the last letter.
Ten categories have to be answered with the starting letter. (E.g. letter “m” Animal: monkey)
Put on a pair of tights
The groups have to put a pair of tights on a shop dummy. The shop dummy is not allowed to touch the ground. (Time limit: 2 min.)
Gangster town
Rap a normal song (e.g. Last Christmas) (You can also use background music)
Wilhelm Tell
A big apple is placed on a player’s head. Another player puts on some joke glasses that restrict his sight. The player gets some mini balls to shoot the apple down.
The cock is dead
A player has to catch some plastic chickens. The tricky thing is that he has to throw it backwards and that another player has to catch them using cymbals.
Anagram riddle
The groups put the letters into a correct order. As a hint they get some questions (Letters: L A F M E R I G O U R L O B I Y)
A) A school subject (biology)
B) A fast food meal (burger)
C) A drink (beer)
D) An animal (gorilla)
E) A colour (blue)
F) A musical Instrument (oboe)
G) A job (farmer)
Time: 90 seconds. The names of 6 pairs are mixed up.
Pizza – Pizza
A player throws empty pizza cartons in the direction of another player. The other player has to catch them with a pizza pan. (Time limit 1:30 seconds)
Twins run
Two players are tied together with their right legs. (One player stands facing forwards and the other backwards). Time limit: 60 seconds to circle the playing field once.
Gargle with songs
The assistant selects a song in advance for the player that he/ she has to gargle in front of his/her group. The group has to guess the song. (90 sec.)
Multitasking test
The player gets a table tennis ball and a table tennis paddle. He has to hold up the ball and the paddle while the assistant reads out ten words from a shopping list. Afterwards the player has 45 seconds to learn the words by heart. The player has to repeat 7 words.
Wheelbarrow race
Players and team mates have to get through a show-jumping-course. They have 45 seconds to cover half of the distance.
Role play - 1 player is “the ill women in bed“. Another player comes home and wants to divorce from his wife. Try to be considerate. (Time limit: 1 minute)
They have to fill out four flags (just colour in the rectangles with chalk). The kids should complete three flags within 2 minutes.
Make a house from team mates
(3 legs are on the ground; the members have to touch each other)
Beer mat throwing
The players get ten beer mats and try to hit the target with at least 3 beer mats.
Marble transportation
The players try to transport a marble over a distance of 6 meter. They have 4 pipes which they put together. The marble has to go through these pipes.
Tin stilts
The player has to go around the course within 45 seconds.
A blown-up balloon has to be burst by using your teeth.
The bad 6
You have to count to 60. All the time you hear a 6, or a number you can divide by a 6 you have to make this sound: “oops“
(Example: 1 2 3 4 5 oops 7 8 9 10 11 oops 13 …) There are other bad numbers, too.
- Bags, t-shirts (different colours) or other coloured markings.
- A huge pitch
- Circles for the pitch, small pieces of paper (to draw the groups)
- A bell for the starting signal for the tasks, a foam cube
- A loo plunger, rings, letters, a rope
- Table tennis ball and table tennis paddle, 10 beer mats
- 1 marble and 4 pipes, balloons
- If need be: additional materials for mini-games on the action fields
In addition:
- Animate the audience to count loudly (If a player moves forward)
- If a player dices a 6 he is allowed to dice a second time
Author: Hendrik Oestreich CVJM Oberlübbe, supplemented with ideas from Anja Heine – community education officer – Church of Herford
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