source: | 2000 Games, Devotions, Themes, Ideas and more for Youth Work
only for private using

Beef Roulade

Category: Lunch
Sub-Category: Meat dishes
Difficulty/Costs: normal/rather expensive
Number of people: 12
  • 12 rolls
  • 6 gherkins
  • 5 onions
  • 12 slices of bacon
  • Mustard
  • Bay leaves
  • Cloves
  • Nutmeg
  • Soßenbinder
  • 2 cups cream
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Paprika
  • 24 Roulade pins
  • Fat for frying


Peel the onions and put aside Wash the roulades and pat dry. One side of the rolls spread with mustard and season with salt and pepper. Depending, which bacon you use, use it carefully Cut 3 onions and 3 gherkins into quarters. Put one slice of bacon on the roulades and place one quarter of the onions and gherkins on one end of the roulade. Carefully turn inwards and roll up the roulades. Last hold it together with roulade pins. Heat fat in a large saucepan and fry the roulades until brown. Meanwhile, cut the remaining onions into cubes. When the roulades are done, remove from the pan. Then fry the onions in its fat. Place the meat back into the pot and cook slowly for 2 hours. Put the rest of the spices in and add water as needed. Finally, add the cream. Serve with potatoes, red cabbage or dumplings and red cabbage. The costs of this dish depend on the price of the meat and can vary.

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