source: | 2000 Games, Devotions, Themes, Ideas and more for Youth Work
only for private using
Colourful labels for glasses and bottles
You will need the following craft materials:
- Vegetables, fruit or mushrooms
- Paper, fabric or stickers
- Acrylic paints
- Sponge
- Paintbrush
- Sticky tape
- Knife or scissors
- Ribbon or strong string
Craft instructions:
Look for vegetables, fruits or mushrooms for printing such as toadstools or pears. You will probably several pieces. Cut them in the middle and smooth down the surface.
Spread enough acrylic paint onto the sponge. Place newspapers underneath if possible so that paint does not get onto the table and leave marks.
Press the fruit/vegetables into the paint. If it does not hold properly you can apply the paint directly with a paintbrush.
Press your fruit/vegetables firmly onto the paper, fabric or card. If you printing fabric you should place a piece of foil underneath.
That’s it. Your colourful labels for decorating glasses or bottles are ready.
[ © | 2000 Games and Ideas for Youth Work ]